End of Lease Cleaning Cost in Melbourne

 End of Lease cleaning or bond cleaning is required to make sure you leave the place crystal clean before moving out of a rental property. This can really help in receiving your bond deposit 100% back. Though you can attempt cleaning your property on your own but it may not ensure up to standard cleanliness.

To make sure you do justice with your end of lease cleaning, it’s better to hire a professional & affordable end of lease cleaner in Melbourne who can not only help you get your bond back but ensures effective cleaning of a rental property, in and out.

End of lease cleaning is not only required by renters but also by landowners who want to put their house on sale or rent again.

What Factors Affect the Cost of An End of Lease Cleaning?

The cost of cleaning varies a lot depending on the size of your property and many other factors including:

How long the cleaning job will take

The number of cleaners you’ll need

How much cleaning you’ve already done

The number of bedrooms

The number of bathrooms

The exact area of your home

How detailed cleaning you need

Any extras (like oven, cabinets, windows, or carpets)

Whether you’ll provide the equipment and supplies

How urgently you need the job done

Whether you need the cleaning done on a weekend or weekday

What is the Average End of Lease Cleaning Cost in Melbourne, Australia?

Since no one wants to lose their bond money, the need of having a professional end of lease cleaner has increased over the years. No matter, for how much time they had rented out their property, they still desire a fair price for their properties. This is when end of lease cleaners or bond cleaners service come to the play.

The average cost of an end-of-lease cleaning service is between $260 and $290 for a three-bedroom home in Melbourne. But the exact price may vary depending on the condition of the interiors. Also, the price may drop, if the house doesn’t require a deep clean.

If the rented house or apartment is not in very good state and needs a deep house clean, the price for the service will be higher around $410. In other words, end of lease cleaning pricing varies depending on the location, size, cleaning needs, and condition of a property. You can expect approximately.

$180 for a small 1-bedroom apartment.

$210 or $250 for a 2-bedroom apartment.

$260 or $290 for a 3-bedroom apartment.

$340 or $390 for a 4-bedroom apartment.

Additional $135 to $350 for oven or BBQ cleaning.

So, these were the average costs for end of lease cleaning or bond cleaning. For more detailed pricing, you can contact our professional end of lease cleaners at MDS Cleaning.  


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